Tuesday 4 December 2007

The Importance of Landowner & Customer Relations

Aerosaurus Balloons has probably the best landowner and customer relations in the UK. The companies Operations Manager and Chief Pilot Arthur Street is a South West Regional Land Owner Relations officer, liaising with the British Ballooning and Airship Club (BBAC), the National Farmers Union (NFU) and the Country Land & Business Association (CLA). Arthur who previously worked in the farming industry has a great understanding of livestock and land issues and regards good landowner relations and an understanding of agriculture as paramount importance with running a business reliant on the good will of landowners and farmers (the balloons have to land somewhere!). After any balloon flight Aerosaurus always contacts the landowner or land manager and seeks permission to retreive the Hot Air Balloon and all crew and pilots receive training in land & livestock issues.

Aerosaurus Balloons also takes great care in its customer relations, with a friendly office and flying team more people then ever are coming to us through personal recommendation. In the 2007 flying season we recieved a constant stream of ‘thank yous’ from happy passengers, to see some of our 200+ passenger feedbacks from just one flying season visit http://www.ballooning.co.uk/customer-feedback07.html

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