Monday 28 January 2008

Filzmoos 29th International Balloon Fiesta

Finally the 29th Annual Filzmoos Balloon Fiesta kicked of on the 12th Of January, with 40 Hot Air Balloons taking part in the small village of Filzmoos (South Salzburg, Austria). I joined Alba Ballooning for this event comprising of a team of 1 pilot and 4 crew, 1 land rover and 1 balloon.

Day OneFilzmoos in thew morning from our apartment

After arriving at Salzburg airport we drove south up into the Alps to the village of Filzmoos and ’signed in’, collected our hot air balloon banner, gassed up and went to the weeks briefing in the local centre. Once the administration was complete we had a quick drink and pizza before retreating to our apartment.

Day Two

After the snow fall of the first night and a low lying cloud sadly Sunday’s flights were cancelled. So a day of skiing occurred for this young PUT (Pilot under Training). So as the snow fell and the clouds rolled over the mountains and attacked the valleys of the Alps we took to the slopes with a new fresh top layer of snow it made perfect skiing conditions for us.

Come Sunday evening the clouds had cleared, allowing the night glow to take part. This night comprised of all 40 balloons burning their burners to the sound of classical music for 45 mins in total, in the dark! During the night glow the pilots and crew would get seduced by the Austrian hospitality being given free Schnapps and hot wine. for their hard work.

Day Three

1st day of BallooningWe woke the following morning (Mon 14th January) to a clear and beautiful blue sky, so after the “all clear” at the briefing we marched to the launch field with eager attitudes and inflated our Alba Balloon. A flight of 1hr 30mins took part that morning for ourselves, due to a heavy load and indecisive winds. Meanwhile however our Dutch friends flew for 3hrs!

Upon returning to Filzmoos we gassed up and went and got a hot chocolate and rum each and helped it to go down with a cake, had a sleep and then went out for the evening to the local bar ‘Kennedys’, where we enjoyed the local hospitality and met up with our Dutch and Swedish friends.

Related Articles-The British Winter

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Steve Fossett Obiturary

James Stephen Fossett, businessman and adventurer, born April 221944; died on or after September 3 2007

The US adventurer and businessman Steve Fossett set more than 100 worldrecords, among them five circumnavigations of the globe, straining the limits of aeroplanes, boats and balloons. He accumulated records much ashe did the merit badges he had sewn on to his sash while on his way tobecoming an eagle scout. Once a millionaire, he became dedicated to achievement for its own sake.

On September 3 this year, he had been a guest at the Flying M, a Nevadaranch owned by the hotel heir Barron Hilton. At 8am, he left for a shortspin in the ranch’s single-engine Citabria two-seater, filing no flightplan and omitting to take a distress pack. Neither he nor the plane wereseen again, despite a widespread air search of rugged terrain lastingfor more than a month. Last Monday his wife Peggy petitioned a court inChicago as the first step in having him declared legally dead at the ageof 63, saying that “after three months we must accept that Steve did notsurvive”.

Fossett was best known in Britain first for his rivalry, and then hiscollaborations, with Sir Richard Branson. The two became friends afterballooning together in Morocco, and in 1998 crashed memorably in Hawaiion Christmas Day while competing together in a round-the-world balloonrace. Fossett went on in 2005 to make the first solo non-stop andunrefuelled circumnavigation of the world in the Branson-sponsoredaircraft Global Flyer, and last year set a world record for the longestnon-stop flight in the same craft, covering 26,389 miles in 76 hours.
Although they shared a passion for setting records, Fossett lackedBranson’s self-publicising urge. His indulgence, facilitated by thefortunes he made, lost and made again in commodity brokerage, were morea reflection of a desire to reach ever more distant goals, an extensionof an ethos developed as a boy scout.

Born in Jackson, Tennessee, Fossett was raised in California, where hisfather was an electrical engineer. Self-confessedly unathletic, hedeveloped asthma, but found an outlet for his energies in scouting.There, he began a lifelong passion for mountain climbing, which helpedovercome his asthma. He rose to scouting’s highest level, Eagle Scout,an achievement he rated along with his most challenging world records.

He graduated from Stanford University in 1966, and took an MBA fromWashington University, in St Louis, Missouri, two years later. A spellas a computer programmer in Chicago convinced him to look for somethingelse, and, having determined that stock and commodity brokers were thetwo best-paid professions, he took a job with Merrill Lynch. Making (andlosing) fortunes in commodities, particularly soya beans, he opened hisown brokerage firms, Lakota Trading, Marathon Securities and LarkspurSecurities, and retired in 1990.

By then he was already devoted to endurance sports. Despite lackingexperience with cross-country skis, in 1979 he was an inauguralparticipant in the Worldloppet, a series of Nordic marathon races basedon Sweden’s Vasaloppet. In 1980 he became only the eighth person tocomplete all 10 Worldloppet events.

He competed in the Iditarod sled dog race, the Ironman triathlon, the24-hour motor races at Le Mans and Daytona and even swam the EnglishChannel, winning the prize in 1985 for the slowest crossing, taking 22hours 15 minutes to complete the swim.

But Fossett found his metier piloting craft on the sea and in the air. Akeen sailor, between 1993 and 2004 he set 23 world records and ninedistance race records in his maxi-catamaran, originally named PlayStation, but later renamed Cheyenne. In 2001 he and his crew made atransatlantic crossing in four days 17 hours, knocking more than 43hours off the record for such a craft. Three years later, they wentround the world in 58 days nine hours, a record since broken by Bruno Peyron.

The round-the-world and longest flight records by the Global Flyer werearguably his finest achievements, and indicated his commitment tosetting his marks. The lightweight plane was constructed by Americanaerospace engineer Burt Rutan, who had designed the previous recordholder, Voyager, piloted by his brother Dick and Jeana Yeager.

As a pilot in heavier aircraft, Fossett set two records in one day,February 5 2003, when he first flew his Cessna Citation X jet from SanDiego to Charleston, South Carolina, in less than three hours at anaverage speed of 726.8mph, a record for non-supersonic aircraft. Then hemade the return trip as co-pilot to Joe Ritchie, and broke theturbo-prop record set by test pilot Chuck Yeager, featured in TomWolfe’s book The Right Stuff (and no relation to Jeana).

Fossett then moved to gliders, setting 10 world records with NewZealander Terry Delore as his co-pilot. Wearing pressurised Nasa spacesuits, he and Icelander Einar Enevoldson set an altitude record bygliding at 50,727 feet.

However, hot-air ballooning may have provided his biggest and mostsatisfying challenge. In 1995 he made the first solo Pacific crossing,but it took six attempts before he was able to finally complete acircumnavigation. In one attempt, he was brought down into the Pacificfrom 29,000 feet. But in 2002, taking off from Northam, WesternAustralia, he piloted a balloon around the world, eventually bringing itdown in Queensland after flying for 14 days 19 hours. Besides balloons,Fossett also took up airships, and set a record with a Zeppelin, thoughat only 71.5mph.
The Global Flyer now sits in the Smithsonian Institution in WashingtonDC. Fossett was elected to the US National Aeronautical Hall of Fame,and received a gold medal from the International Aeronautics Federation.But as his recent launch of an attempt at the world land speed recordshowed, he remained an over-achieving Eagle Scout to the end, andrecords and medals were there to be achieved. Given his track record,there seemed no reason to assume he would not achieve his next goal, ofmore than 800mph on land.

Copyright Guardian News and Media Limited

Tuesday 4 December 2007

The Importance of Landowner & Customer Relations

Aerosaurus Balloons has probably the best landowner and customer relations in the UK. The companies Operations Manager and Chief Pilot Arthur Street is a South West Regional Land Owner Relations officer, liaising with the British Ballooning and Airship Club (BBAC), the National Farmers Union (NFU) and the Country Land & Business Association (CLA). Arthur who previously worked in the farming industry has a great understanding of livestock and land issues and regards good landowner relations and an understanding of agriculture as paramount importance with running a business reliant on the good will of landowners and farmers (the balloons have to land somewhere!). After any balloon flight Aerosaurus always contacts the landowner or land manager and seeks permission to retreive the Hot Air Balloon and all crew and pilots receive training in land & livestock issues.

Aerosaurus Balloons also takes great care in its customer relations, with a friendly office and flying team more people then ever are coming to us through personal recommendation. In the 2007 flying season we recieved a constant stream of ‘thank yous’ from happy passengers, to see some of our 200+ passenger feedbacks from just one flying season visit

Thursday 29 November 2007

Aerosaurus Launches New ‘Behind the Scenes’ Hot Air Ballooning Operations Experience Voucher

At last something new for ballooning enthusiasts to try apart from just your traditional flight experience. We have launched a brand new voucher which gives people the chance to go ‘behind the scenes’ of the ballooning world and see what’s involved in typical hot air balloon flight. From explanation of flight logistics & learning meteorological aspects to joining a flight as part of the crew and assisting in rigging, inflation and following the balloon whilst in flight (plenty of map reading and compass challenges!!)
Currently Aerosaurus is the only UK operator to provide this experience, but if you have done something similar in the past as either a ballooning operator or a participant please comment on this blog and let us know your thoughts. In the meantime if you want to know more about the experience go to